Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The magazine Geodetic and Cartographic Review (GaKO) fulfils the specialized, scholarly, educational and social function in the community of experts in geodesy, cartography and cadastre of real estate working in the state administration, in research, in pedagogical and educational processes and in the commercial sphere.

GaKO publishes

  • main contributions (professional contributions), which are subject to peer-review process,
  • sectional contributions (reports from professional conferences and social events, articles from professional practice), which are not subject to peer-review process.

GaKO is the monthly released magazine. GaKO publishes the texts in Czech and Slovak languages.

Editorial Board

Editorial board is governing body of GaKO, whose members are recognized experts in the field. For more information, see Board of editors, or Contacts.

Authors and Their Responsibilities

The journal publishes original, as yet unpublished works that are not currently offered to another editorial office. In case the theme has already been elaborated for other magazine or has been presented on any professional conference or scientific seminary, the author is obliged to mention this fact together with complete identification and references.

All authors have significantly contributed to the research. All authors are within the main contributions obliged to provide list of references, or financial support provided to the research. All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

The publication of main and sectional contributions is not subject to a fee, nor are the contributions honoured. Advertising is charged in GaKO.

Peer-review Process

All of a journal’s main contributions are subject to peer-review. Peer-review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field. Reviewers have to point out relevant published work, which is not yet cited. Reviewed articles are treated confidentially. Peer-review process is not honoured.

For more information about Peer-review process see: Instructions for GaKO authors.

Publication Ethics

Publishers and editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred. In no case shall a journal or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. In the event that a journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct, the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations appropriately. Publishers and editors should always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

For more information, see Code of ethics

Copyright and Access

GaKO is published under the license:

licence Creative Commons
licence Creative Commons

Since 2013, GaKO is published only electronically.

The magazine as well as the relevant main contributions are available to readers on GaKO websites, free of charge.

In the introduction each contribution must include the abstract to the point in the range of no more than eight lines both in Czech or Slovak and English together with the English name of the contribution.


Individual GaKO issues are archived (since 1913) within the Central Archive of Surveying and Cadastre (ÚAZK) and are within the digital library of ÚAZK available here.

The magazine is part of the Czech cultural heritage, is archived within the project WebArchiv of the Czech national library and is provided on-line for free at following address:

Ownership and Management, Publishing Schedule

For the information about ownership and management, as well as about publishing schedule, see the part About the magazine.